16 maio 2016


Nathalie Jomard illustration.:

E porque parece que é desta que o bom tempo vai chegar, as saídas de casa ao fim-de-semana chegam também, logo à que arrumar a casa durante a semana, para que tudo continue limpo e organizado e possamos desfrutar o fim-se-semana ao máximo e sem culpas...

Espero que estas dicas vos ajudem!

time to clean:

cleaning calendar *:

LWSL Master Cleaning List-Like the master cleaning list to remind me of some things I forget!:

Need This: Ultimate Home Cleaning Checklist!:

I have seen lots of Cleaning checklists, but this is by far my favorite. I love that it has chores in a very PRACTICAL order. I never know where to start when my house is a mess, so I think this will keep me going :):

Home Cleaning Check List and Cheat Sheet:

How to Clean Your House FAST-from someone who worked as a maid and professional house cleaner!:

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